F 子句形式:(關係詞+ S + V)當形容詞,用以修飾前面的名詞(先行詞),這子句就叫【形容詞子句】
F 常用的關係詞有:(關係詞也是從屬連接詞,連接從屬子子句,在這做形容詞子句)
l 關係代名詞
l 關係副詞
l 關係複合代名詞
F 通常主要子句是強調(重要意念),而關係子句是(次要意念),所以表『結果』和『後發生的動作』要保留做主要子句
F 何謂關係詞?
l 具有連接詞及代名詞、形容詞、或副詞的雙重功能,一方面代表先行詞,另一方面做從屬連接詞,引導從屬子句,將主要子句與從屬子句連成一句
l 關係詞可將表達一主詞或受詞的不同意念的句子組合起來,使句子更精簡、連貫、完成,而不致零散、重覆、和呆板
F 如何合併形容詞子句?
l 視先行詞(關係詞所代替和修飾的名詞),而選用適合的關係代名詞、副詞、複合代名詞
F 以關係代名詞為例:
l 原有兩個子句,重複出現同一名詞,(省略當形容詞子句中用的名詞)使用一個兼有代名詞亦可當連接詞的【關係代名詞】
l 選定關係代名詞前,要先判斷先行詞是人或物,再判斷此關係代名詞在所引導的子句中是扮演何種角色(格):
F 作動詞的主詞時,必需用主格關係代名詞 (Who/Which + V)
F 作及物動詞或介系詞的受詞時,必需用受格關係代名詞((介)Whom/Which + S + V),當受格的關代通常可省略,但如有介詞在關代前,則不可省略
F 表示所有者時,必需用所有格關係代名詞 (Whose + N/ N of Which )
EX: She loves a man. The man never comes home.
F She loves a man who never comes home.
【上面兩個句子的名詞重複the man,省略後者,由who扮演連接詞兼代名詞】
F 關係代名詞的人稱、數要和先行詞一致
& 關係代名詞
l 關係代名詞的選用:先決定先行詞
Who (that)
Whom (that)
Which (that)
The N of which
Of which the N
Which (that)
l 再判斷格的使用:判斷關係代名詞在形容詞子句中是扮演何種角色
(關係代名詞)+ V…
(關係代名詞)+ N + V(當主詞)
(關係代名詞)+ S + V + (介)
l Who: (人當主格)
EX: She as an uncle. He is very rich.
= She has an uncle who is very rich.
EX: The man is coming to the tea. He wrote this poem.
= The man who wrote this poem is coming to tea.
! 請將以下句子合併成形容詞子句
1. I have decided to hire that man. He can speak English.

2. Mike met a man. The man is a teacher.

3. He has a son. He is very wise.

l Which: (物當主格)
EX: This is the book. It deals with English grammar.
= This is the book which deals with English grammar.
! 請將以下句子合併成形容詞子句
1. The road is sandy. It leads to the shore.

2. I bought a book. The book is very interesting.

3. She has a beautiful house. That house cost her a lot.


l Whom: (人當受格)

EX: She has an uncle. She loves him.

= She has an uncle whom she loves.

EX: This is the boy. I met the boy at the station yesterday.

= This is the boy whom I met at the station yesterday.

! 請將以下句子合併成形容詞子句

1. This is the boy. I have been waiting for the boy.

2. Mr. Lee is a teacher. Everyone respects him a lot.

3. Tom is a criminal. Everyone is searching for him.

l Which: (物當受格)

EX: This is the book. I bought the book yesterday.

= This is the book which I bought yesterday.

EX: The water is fresh. We drink the water every day.

= The water which we drink every day is fresh.

! 請將以下句子合併成形容詞子句

1. This is the book. I am looking for the book.

2. These are the photographs. I took some photographs last month.

3. Bring me the magazines. I have left them in the room.

l Whose: (人當所有格)

EX: She has an uncle. His name is Henry.

= She has an uncle whose name is Henry.

EX: A child is called an orphan. His parents are dead.

= A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan.

! 請將以下句子合併成形容詞子句

1. A woman is called a widow. Her husband is dead.

2. That’s the lady. Her purse has been stolen.

l N of which (物當所有格)

EX: One of his books tells all about the environmental problems. The title of the book attracts me a lot.

= One of his books, the title of which attracts me a lot, tells all about the environmental problems.

EX: This is the chair. One leg of the chair is broken.

= This is the chair, one leg of which is broken.

! 請填入適當的關係詞

1. A dictionary is a gook gives the meanings of words.

2. I, am a student, never do so.

3. This is the man teaches us English.

4. Here is a friend never run away from you.

5. The girl we met last night is Helen.

6. Those study very hard will succeed sooner or later.

7. Heaven helps those help themselves.

8. The book is on the desk is very interesting.

9. I want to employ a boy and a girl speak English well.

10. There were few passengers escaped without serious injury.

11. Those want to succeed should do their best.

12. This is the man I believe can help you.

13. The boy book you borrowed wishes to have it back.

14. The men houses were damaged will be compensated.

15. You are the man on I can rely.

16. I will call on an engineer son can play baseball very well.

17. The dancer I met there wore a pink dress.

18. I will give you a novel author I often meet.

19. The girl you spoke to is John’s sister.

20. I know a girl mother is a famous singer.



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