How many students are there in your class?

Do you know ?

F 疑問句變成名詞子句,亦稱為間接問句 (子句做名詞的功能)

句型:S + V + 疑問句(從屬連接詞) + S + V (名詞子句作動詞的受詞)

l 若原疑問句有be動詞或情狀助動詞(will, can, may, have)時,則將這些動詞置於主詞後面

EX: When will he come? I don’t know when he will come.

EX: How long has he lived here? I don’t know how long he has lived here.

EX: I don’t know how he will do it.

EX: I want to know when he left.

l 若原疑問句有一般助動詞(do, does, did),應先刪除此助動詞,【否定助動詞don’t, doesn’t, didn’t 則不需刪除】再將主詞之後的原形動詞按助動詞的時態及人稱,還原此動詞的形態

EX: When did he leave? I don’t know when he left.

EX: Where does Mary lives? I don’t know where Mary lives.

EX: Why Mary didn’t do her homework? I don’t know why Mary didn’t do her homework.

EX: Tom didn’t come to school. I don’t know why Tom didn’t come to school.

l 此種句型的名詞子句,亦可作主詞或其他等同於名詞的用法

EX: How he will do it is not known yet.

= It is not known yet how he will do it.

EX: When he left is still a mystery.

= It is still a mystery when he left.

! Why do you study so hard? Tell me .

! Please tell me something. You didn’t hand in your assignment. (用why合併)

! Could .

me/ you/ where/ tell/ you live

! The teacher said to John, “Where do you live?

The teacher asked John .


Why did John get so angry?

No one knows.


! A good student .

says/ pay attention/ should/ the teacher/ to what



Can we make it to Taipei by midnight?

I don’t know .

F Yes/No問句變為名詞子句

l 一般問句,非以疑問詞(who, whom, what…)起首的句子, 一律要用yes/no回答

EX: Are you a student?

EX: Can you do it?

l 若是以上的句子要改成名詞子句(也就是間接問句),一律要在句首放whether (or if),當作從屬連接詞,以連接名詞子句,原問句若有be動詞或情狀助動詞(can, will, may, have…),則要置於主詞之後;若原問句有一般助動詞(do, did, does),則應刪除,句中的一般動詞則須改回原來的時態及人稱

l 此種名詞子句的句型及規則,與上述有WH疑問句的用法一樣

EX: Is he a good student? = I don’t know whether he is a good student.

EX: Can he do it? = I don’t know whether he can do it.

EX: Does he speak English? = I don’t know whether he speaks English.

EX: Whether he will come is not known yet.

= It is not known yet whether he will come.

EX: I don’t know whether he will come.


Betty asked me a question.

The question was, “Can you do it?” (whether)


! Mary asked Peter .

to the supermarket/ he/ give her/ could/ if / a ride


1. 我不知道那是不是真的 (wonder)

2. 你知不知道他父親從事什麼行業 (be engaged in)


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